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As Hamiltonians, we want robust and representative discussions to produce intelligent and practical outcomes for our community today, and for the future.


As a candidate, I offer you intellect, experience and a practical outlook.


I've worked at Regional Council, and am a business owner, so I understand how to get things done.  I'm collaborative, intelligent and practical, and will apply this to ensuring the best decisions are made for us, and for our children.

What I stand for


A healthy and thriving river, produces a healthy and thriving community.


Our rivers start out clean, pristine and beautiful at the source, but along the way, decisions are made about what gets taken out of the river, what gets discharged into the river and other activities the are appoved along the way.


We need to make better decisions about how our rivers are looked after and managed.  We need to reverse the damage done, plan better for the future and make changes that will produce a result in our lifetime, not just for the lifetime of our grandchildren.


I will prioritize a clean river, and balance competing interests with a view to getting our river cleaner sooner, rather than later.


stand for smart and representative decision-making by an intelligent, experienced person of



Council, like the rest of us, has to be wise with the money it takes in.  We all pay into the Council budget, whether we get the bill or not, we all pay.  That money represents the hard work of you and me.  We had to give something up in order for the Council to get its money so we want it to be spent with care.


Times are tough,  Everything is expensive right now.  In times like this, more than ever, we need Council to live within its budget.  Now is not the time for Council to be splashing out on flashy projects funded by rates increases.  We need core services delivered well and we need Council to support our community by not adding to the economic strain through hikes in rates.


I'll stand against rate increases and look to see what can be done differently, with the current budget.



As an ever increasing population, with increasing desires and demands, we no doubt are leaving an impact on our planet. 


However, in the Waikato we are already trying hard to mitigate the effects of our activities.  We have hydrolelectric power stations, farmers who are developing farm plans, and businesses trying to reduce their footprint and operate sustainably.  At Te Uku we have the wind farm, and increasing numbers of us are recycling, driving electric powered vehicles and trying to live sustainably. 


We don't have the perfect solution to all of our activities yet, but we are moving in the right direction.  This is something we need to be smart and balanced about.  Its not something we should put undue hardship on our community to have to fund grandiose solutions for.  


I stand for supporting communities to become sustainable thinkers, who pursue sustainable living because they see the value in it. I stand for leaning into what we are already doing for the climate, and to take a common-sense approach to decisions made in this space.



A little collaboration goes a long way.  Historically lots of different groups and agencies have tried to do what they can to lift where they stand.  But the impact of lots of un-coordinated activities will never have the impact that coordinating the same activities will have.


The Regional Council is the home of community led initiatives such as the Waikato Plan and the Waikato Wellbeing.  These initiatives bring community groups and agencies together to collectively brainstorm, discuss plans, coordinate resources and take action to produce greater, and measurable outcomes for the Hamilton and Waikato residents.


I stand to ensure community led initiatives like these remain supported by the Regional Council.  The collaborative nature of these initiatives yields economic efficiencies, a collective momentum and is just a smart way of going about increasing wellbeing.


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